They offered me the option of doing a biopsy to be a 100% sure about the tissue, but between the radiologist being pretty sure it was not cancer and the oncologist preferring not to do a biopsy because of possible lung collapse, we have opted for another PET scan in 8 weeks (mid April).
I know I have to be monitored for several years to come since there is always the chance it comes back in the affected area (5%) in the right testicle (15%) or somewhere else (10-15%) but I would say for now I have gotten the best news I could possibly get.
I am kind of emotionally messed up right now though. I was mentally preparing for a fight equal to 12 rounds with a Mike Tyson on crack and now I have a hard time relaxing and feeling good. One of the reasons for my worry was that the urologist had never removed a tumor my size (2 1/2 inches diameter) and not see it spread anywhere else. The oncologist confirmed this. So I was expecting chemo and everything.
Peace will come as it sinks in completely, I guess. I have lost family members and a very, very dear friend to cancer (God, she fought like hell. 22 years later it still brings tears to my eyes to have seen someone so utterly beautiful waste away, appear to be winning, and then waste away again to eventually lose that fight) and those are hard thoughts to let go.
Man this is a mind trip. They think it isn't cancer but they are not sure. For now I am going to see this as good news. If it does come back, I am prepared for it mentally and emotionally.
I have told my kids that so far so good but we will not know for sure if Dad is not still sick for at least 6 months.
That's OK they say, they take what they can get :)
I am Blessed with my sons, did I tell you guys that already?