Wednesday, February 18, 2009

January 10th and 11th. Spent time with my sons.

Day 4 & 5

Spend a lot of time with the kids. My oldest son (14) is very worried and wants to drop me off at the hospital Monday. He asks some good questions and I take the time to answer them all. We go online and look at pictures and get any info we can find. I tell him about Lance Amrstrong who survived it spreading to his lungs and brain. The calmer I am the more he relaxes.

My 6 year old took a little longer to settle down. He is very attached to me, always has been. Since he was born I was the only one who could get him to stop crying or make him feel better. I put him to bed and he wakes up coming to me right away.

"Daddy, you're my best friend and you have pain where your penis is, what can I do?" He says.

It is hard not to laugh and feel a whole heck of a lot better after that. I manage to take him to the YMCA for a few hours and we go swim. Just us 3 boys.

Funny, the pain is gone.

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